I have learned a lot since becoming sick with EHS in 2012. Part of what
I’ve learned is how I can protect myself in a toxic environment, at least to
some degree. This has become very important to me for traveling since I knew
that I would constantly be exposed to electropollution, starting with the
airport. I now own a lot of protective gear and wear (some purchased from Healthy Joyful Sustainable Living and some from LessEMF.com),
- Meters such as my Acoustimeter which measures RF energy
- Mylar products (a powerful block to toxic RF energy): a poncho and a “tent”
- Clothing containing silver threads (blocks toxic RF energy to a large degree): gloves, hoodie and T-shirt
- Orgonite (supposedly blocks negative energies): pendants, coaster, pyramid
After settling in at the Renvyle House Hotel, I used my meter to do a
survey of the various locations to discern how best to care for myself. What I
found was that even in this remote location, inside was toxic (due to the
omnipresent Wi-Fi), with peak hold measurements ranging from relatively safe
lows (.07 V/m in the hallway outside my room and .10 V/m in the library if no
one else was there) to a toxic high of 1.15 V/m in the lounge when there were
people in it (probably from active use of cell phones). Most locations outside
the hotel were clean! .02 V/m! I spent a lot of time outside, often walking
barefoot on the golf course.
I had warnings. For much of the trip, I felt queasy. Once, in the car
driving around Northern Ireland, I had an attack of symptoms. For a brief
period, I felt light headed and slightly nauseous, with mild heart palpitations,
finding it a bit hard to breathe. From then on, I wore some kind of protective
wear in the car, often wrapping my Mylar poncho around my legs and torso.
I had intended to use the Mylar tent as a sleeping bag. I figured if I
had decent protection for about 8 hours while I slept, I might manage better during
the day. Two problems. The Mylar made a loud crinkly sound like distant thunder
every time I moved, which disturbed my traveling companion. And it was hot
which disturbed me. The second night, I cut the tent and used it as a cover
over the sheet. That worked better but was still fairly noisy and somewhat hot.
I managed to use the Mylar cover most nights for at least part of the time. That
did help. The RF in our room at Renvyle House Hotel was .42 V/m. Underneath
the Mylar “cover” it dropped to .11 V/m.